Saturday, May 30, 2009

life's great friends.


First day,its first day and date that makes a Freedom and Shopping day.
She have finally sms me,dont assume that i am saying you,because i am refering to my Dearest Honey:D:D:D
Finally,meeting her tml,yes!& i am happy!
First of all this is what i want tell you,
I,please dont assume that i hate you just because i didnt talk to you,the reason i didnt talk to you,because i saw you with her,and whenever i want talk to you,she will always be there.
&i am seriously happy eh,I Love You To Bits!

The world seems to be deteriorating. Global warming!I hate it man,making me so sweaty.
Went to botanic garden with Xinhui and Faith,and stupidly the god turn the weather a bad one.
by raining at the moment we reached botanic,and we have no choice and so we headed to KBox,
like what i expected,its stop raining at the moment we reached the KBox's room,like a moron!And i was complaining like hell.Haha
We was trying to hide our food inside the room and its was a great job,well done!Hahaha.i just cannot stop singing and our madness guide us through the day,taking photos and all those stupid stuff we have done.

but i prefer to take photos will my Dearest Honey!

I need to shop badly):!
Shijia prefer Rainbow to Red today,haha.
Course i am wearing so Colourful till Xinhui can't stand it,and yeah.guess what,she will be complaining and complaining again.
This few days i was having shopless!haha,thanks papa.(for some reason)
I am suffering from a Withdrawal Syndromes for dont know what reason too.

I missed out the fun of Qifa's Carnival!!Sorry for those who i didnt return back
calls and smses.Cause i know you guys all inviting me to Qifa's Carnival,but i am annoyed because you guys are all calling me the whole morning.Hehe.

Guys,if i did not returns you any call or your smses,please leave a msg after the tone,beep.
Hehehehehe!funny?Another one.
Its a sunny yellow,banana day!HAHAHAAHAHAHAH,cannot stand it.

It's funny when you find yourself,Looking from the outside
I'm standing here but all I want,Is to be over there
Why did I let myself believe,Miracles could happen
Cause now I have to pretend,That I don't really care